Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ongoing and Upcoming Hunts

Well, it's been I while, I know. But 'real life' decided to gift me with interesting times. Enough said about that :). I'm excited and pleased to be in three hunts in February: The New Beginnings Hunt sponsored by Sin Originals, The Key to My Heart Hunt sponsored by I&R's Fun With Hunts, and The Stupid Cupid Hunt 2 sponsored by Evil Bunny Hunts.

New Beginnings Hunt

A time to begin fresh, to clear past mistakes starting over, a time of new ideas, creations, or for whatever reason you would like a new beginning. This hunt features a male and female gift or at least a unisex gift. It is a $0 L hunt. There are 56 stores in this hunt and it runs from January 22nd through February 20th.
Hunt Website

Key to my Heart Hunt

This hunt runs Feb 1-28, 2014. 
This hunt has two paths; one for regular avatars and one for small mesh avatars. The theme is pretty open.  Love, romance, time with your love, dancing, dinner, candlelight, etc. 
Hunt Items will be 1L.
Hunt Website

The Stupid Cupid Hunt 2

Feb. 1-15th, 2014
That Cupid, he's so STUPID! Flying around, shooting arrows everywhere, flipping around making everyone dizzy, trailing little hearts wherever he goes.  He's trying to make love matches all across SL! He has no clue what he's doing, going from store to store and shooting random things-he's making a mess of the place, shooting anything he sees. 

It's time to stop cupid before he gets any more stupid! Find the arrows at stores across SL to lead you to cupid's love nest & fall in love with  20 sponsor prizes that await you! Hunt item will be FREE. Hunt Website

I'll be posting new item previews in a couple of days, make sure to check back!