Monday, November 25, 2013

Candy Cane Hunt 5 Has Begun!

At last! The hunt you've waited for all year. The 5th annual "festival of stripes" is now open with 175 locations! Each stop has a 1L gift hidden for male/female or unisex and many stops also have a gacha!
Hunt blog:

Here's my hint:

"These candy cane muffins are yummy and sweet.
They bring us prezzies, oh such a treat!
Mine is not high or low on the ground.
I SUGGEST you step in and look carefully around." 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Hunt Updates

Two hunts ending soon and three coming up!

The Where's the Turkey Hunt and the Jerky Turkey Hunt both end at midnight November 30th. This will be your last chance to get these items for 1L$ and 0L$ respectively. The Autumn Panda Gacha will also go away November 30th. But, don't worry. The Candy Cane 5 Hunt Gacha will be there in it's stead.

This is my second year to participate in The Candy Cane Hunt. This year I'm offering a Snowflake Wall Lamp that is readily usable by any size avatar. The Candy Cane Hunt 5 begins Monday, November 25th! So, get your hunt hats on.  Remember, Petite Plunder is located at

Coming in December.... more holiday hunts!

Friday, November 1, 2013

IMPORTANT! Petite Plunder has a NEW location

Petite Plunder has Moved

Here's the new SLURL:

The sim on which I rented space has temporarily closed, the market taken down, etc. Since I am involved in at least two hunts every month I could not bide my time there until their internal issues were resolved. Therefor, I have relocated. This is actually a very good thing! I now have a much larger store \o/

I have samples of all my creations rezzed out in the store so you can see how they look and try them out before you buy. There are a Lucky Chair, Midnight Madness Board and Gacha in one back corner and my Sale Board in the other back corner. 

Hunt Update

The WTTH Hunt prize is packaged with both standard and Small Mesh Avatar sized Wall Shelves.
The Where's the Turkey Hunt has begun, and the Jerky Turkey 3 Hunt begins November 15. I'll have a prize pic up soon for Jerky Turkey Hunt... and keep your eyes peeled for Candy Cane Hunt 3 and the Holly Jolly Hunt  later in the year. If you've missed any of my past hunt prized you can either buy them for 25L$ each at the Main Store, or take your chance at the Lucky Chair.